Friday, August 08, 2008

I'm right, you're WRONG

I no longer watch Saturday Night Live with any regularity, but there was a skit they used to do that reminds me of myself. It was when Dana Carvey was on the cast and he would imitate John McLaughlin's talk show. Carvey would have about 4 guests and ask them random political questions, but he would usually cut them off by yelling "WRONG!" It did not matter what they said, they were WRONG! I know I am not always right, not by a long shot, but if I am questioned when I KNOW I am right, I feel like Dana Carvey's character. I do not know why, but I just get an insatiable urge to prove that I am right. I know there are two sides to every story, and that the other person has their reasons for whatever they are doing/saying, but if I am right, then I am right. Even as I write this, I feel bad for acting this way. I do not know if it is competitiveness or just pride, but I really want to prove I am right. It is not like I am brow beating people with my opinions all the time, it just seems to catch me here and there. Something someone says that makes me feel like they think I am wrong (and stupid for being wrong) and it just goes all over me. I have to watch it at work, because customers can do this type of thing pretty often. I think with them I have learned to take the high road for the most part and let them have their way. It sure is hard to swallow the old pride down, hard enough that I still do not do it very well. I think I sound pretty egomaniacal right now. I hope I do not come across the way this is sounding. I just had some stuff at work get me thinking about how I handle these situations. For example, customers often ask questions about over the counter medications. I often enjoy helping people find remedies over the counter. But, sometimes people ask questions strictly to hear someone say "yes you should take what you have already picked out, you are right." But if they do not have the right medication for their symptoms, I am not going tell them that. It really bugs me when I tell someone they should use a different product and they use the one they had already decided they wanted. WHY WASTE MY TIME? I simply wasted my time trying to explain the rationale of why they should use something that might work better than what they have in their hands. WOW, where did that come from? Sorry for getting on a rant like that. I AM glad to have the weekend off, though (obviously). Have a good one.

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