Wednesday, April 02, 2008

"I've got the genetics for it"

There are a number of ways to say it. "The apple does not fall far from the tree," or "she is her mother's daughter." The way we always said it in my family was, "He has the genetics for it." Things that our parents have given to us, and often their parents gave to them. I am grateful for many of the traits that I have from my parents, but migraine headaches are not one of them. I have always been thankful that I did not have headaches like Dad has had. This morning, I had a migraine. It is strange to think of a headache making you sick to your stomach, but it sure can. I generally would not be so sure of calling it a migraine, but when migraine medication gets rid of it, it is probably a migraine. Amber had a sample of Relpax left over from her battle with migraines a couple of years ago. I had to try it because I would not have been much good at work in that condition. After a couple of hours, I felt OK. As migraines go, it probably was not the worst in the world, but it was one of the worst headaches I have had. Amber thinks I should see a doctor because my headaches have been increasing in number and (unfortunately) severity. After the one this morning, I am inclined to agree with her. I talked with Dad tonight about his headaches and the similarities with mine. He said he had had a migraine this morning, too. It just makes me think that I had better get some more medication before the next one. Because I have a bad feeling that there WILL be a next one. Thanks, Dad, I really appreciate it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes genetic material comes from the bottom of the gene pool! To quote Popeye: "I yam what I yam."